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Here's how to answer the speaking examiner when they ask you to tell a little story.

Get your best speaking score yet.

Sometimes in an exam like IELTS, the examiner will ask you questions like ...

Tell me about a time when you felt excited.
  • What happened?

  • What did you do?

  • Who were you with?

And what happened as a result?

To get a high score, you need to tell a little story using past tenses correctly.

PAST SIMPLE - I danced all night.

PAST CONTINOUS - I was dancing when ....

PAST PERFECT - Before I broke my leg, I had been a dancer.

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS - The dancers heard a terrible scream. Up to that point, they had been enjoying themselves on the dancefloor.

WOULD/USED TO + VERB - When I was a little girl, I used to go to ballet lessons every Friday after school. My father would pick me up from school to take me.

Now, watch the video to hear a story and learn how to use the past tenses like an English speaker.

Then, watch the second video to do some practice with me. We can learn together.

Watching a video isn't enough - then you have to do something with the language.

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