In general, describing your family.
I have a mum and a dad.
My mum died when I was ___ years old.
I have 3 brothers and one sister.
I have a large family.
I have a small family – just mum, dad and me.
My grandmother lives with us. She is my mum’s mum.
Talking about your extended family - vocabulary
my mother's brother = my uncle
my husband's mother = my mother-in-law
single, married, divorced
stepson, half-brother
Do you know and can you use all these words?
Learn phrases with the word 'family'
large or small family
typical family
nuclear family - the traditional family unit of 1 father with 1 mother and 2 children all living together
blended family - when two adults from separate families divorce marry and form a new family
immediate family - the people most closely related to you - your father, mother and brothers or sisters
extended family - the people you are related to but who aren't in your immediate family - your uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, etc.
Talking about your childhood in your family
I had a happy / sad childhood.
I guess you could say I was a bit lonely, because I was an only child. But I had lots of friends in the neighbourhood.
My brothers and sisters and I would fight a lot, and then we’d laugh so much our bellies hurt.
Mealtimes were crazy because everyone was talking at the same time.
Looking back, I’m grateful for the experiences I had as a child.
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