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Do you know how to use "rise" in IELTS Task 1 Writing?

Here is a great little lesson from BBC Learning English to help you.

And here are some examples from IELTS Task 1 Writing reports.

  • However, the spending on furniture and other equipment experienced a dip in the middle year. It fell to just 5%. Ten years later, it had risen to almost a quarter of the total expenditure.

  • However, between 2006 and 2008, there was a steep rise to 38 screens in Bristopia.

  • The combined total of both animation and live action 3D releases in 2006 was 3, but by 2009 this number had risen to 15.

  • Globally, the average temperature has risen steadily over the past 150 years.

  • While temperatures rise throughout August and September, this rise is more gradual in Cape Town.

Notice in the final example you can use 'rise' as a VERB or a NOUN.

And don't forget the verb tense and form.

Present simple - rise / rises

Past simple - rose

Present perfect - has / have risen

Past perfect - had risen

Good luck!

Don't forget I have many free video lessons on my IELTS Task 1 Writing YouTube channel or you can get the free Ebook coming soon - I'll let you know :)

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