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ATTENTION: IELTS Task 1 writers

Updated: Sep 13, 2021

Can you write correctly with these phrases?

The number of ...

A number of ...


The minority of people who ...

One third

All of ...

Could you use these to describe the data in the pie chart below?


  • One third of the threats to plant life from humans is made up of agriculture and natural events.

  • Just under 15 percent comes from harvesting.

  • Together, these three factors contribute to half of the threats to plant life.

You must improve your ability to describe amounts and quantities in English to do well in IELTS Task 1 and at university. In your future studies and career, you will probably have to write reports with data, so this skill is very important.

This video shows you how to describe 9 different types of data

  • the/a number of

  • fractions e.g. one third

  • percentages e.g. 10 percent

  • indefinite quantifiers e.g. all/some/much/most

  • majority / minority

  • length of time

  • money

  • distance

  • adjectives as nouns

And the best thing is you can do practice with me throughout the video lesson.

I'm here to help.

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